©Ricardo Ramírez Arriola.
Gideon Mendel, fotógrafo. Ciudad de México, México, 2008. |
Unfortunatley even waiting right up until the presentation day/ Deadline I have failed to produce a succesful interveiw. I am quite upset as I had sent out several e-mails and was especially excited to talk to Gideon Mendel about his photography and life experiences. Initially I had arranged a face to face interview with him after his lecture a few weeks ago but it over ran so he had no time afterwards before having to catch the train. So I then e-mailed him to organise a Skype interview which then had to be re-arranged a few times due to his busy and ever changing schedule. (This made me really frustrated as the deadline was drawing closer and I was running out of time.) So I then e-mailed him my interveiw questions but unforuntatley he wrote to tell me that he did not have any time to answer them yet !
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